Meet our Team

Project manager

Dr. Vlad Burtaverde

Dr. Vlad Burtăverde is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bucharest. Dr. Burtăverde is a practitioner psychologist in the field of organizational psychology with 8 years of experience in the field. He participated in various consulting projects in the field of human resources and organizational psychology, most of them being related to assessment and development. He is also a psychotherapy practitioner in the field of integrative psychotherapy, whit a focus on cognitive evolutionary psychotherapy. Dr. Burtăverde published papers in highly impact factor peer-reviewed journals (such as Career Development International) on topics related to the current proposal. Dr. Burtăverde’s Hirsch index = 8, his academic work being cited more than 240 times in the literature. Dr. Burtăverde has published in domains closely related with the current proposal (Ene, Burtaverde, Jonason, & Avram, 2020; Burtaverde, Ene, & Jonason, 2020). He is also a member of international scientific associations such as Association for Research in Personality, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, European Association of Personality Psychology, World Association of Personality Psychology. He is also a scientific reviewer for highly impact factor such as Personality and Individual Differences, Accident Analysis & Preventions, Journal of Risk Research, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social networking, Current Psychology.


Professor Dragos Iliescu

Dr. Dragoș Iliescu is a Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and the Chair of the doctoral school of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Dr. Iliescu is a practitioner psychologist in the field of organizational psychology with more than 20 years of experience in consulting projects in organizational psychology and human resources. Dr. Iliescu is the authors of more than 100 research papers published in peer-reviewed journals, handbooks and book chapters. He is also the authors of more than 100 oral presentations, posters, symposia and workshops. Dr. Iliescu is a prominent entrepreneur, being the founder of Psyence group, a consortium that brings together organizations like Testcentral, the most important Romanian test publisher, D&D Research (market research and consumer behavior), BRIO (services related to educational testing), and CEB (SHL) Romania (talent assessment and development services). Dr. Iliescu is the Past-President and a Fellow of the ITC (International Test Commission) and APIO (Romanian Association for Industrial-Organizational Psychology). He is also a member of SIOP (Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology), a Council member and Treasurer of the EAWOP (European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology), a member of the IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) and other prominent international associations. Dr. Iliescu has an important editorial experience, being an associate editor for important journals in the field of psychological assessment and organizational psychology such as the European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Psihologia resurselor umane (the official publication of APIO), Operant Subjectivity (the official publication of the International Society for the Scientific study of Subjectivity), and Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata (Italian Journal of Applied Psychology). He was also th director and principal investigator of various research and development grants won by public competition. Dr. Iliescu’s Hirsch Index = 13, his academic work being cited more than 600 times in the literature.